View Profile 14etan
Nate Leentjes @14etan

Age 31, Male

Joined on 6/11/08

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the wolf

Posted by 14etan - April 10th, 2009

In the darker reaches of the forest a wolf lay in wait of his next meal. As he waited he cleaned up the remains of the fat merchant that had passed by but an hour ago. Yuck fat thought the wolf, not filling in the least must've been walking It all off. Who ever heard of a merchant without a horse! when he had finished he took the merchants robes, and tossed the gold into a nearby stream. "Funny humans fight over something so insubstantial." He chuckled to himself. "These robes on the other hand could come in handy." Slinking off to his cave, he hoped his next meal would have more meat on it. Suddenly a red streak caught his attention. Slowly turning his head he saw what looked like a gigantic robin walking down the pathway. Confused he tucked the robes behind a stump and snuck after it. When he got a closer look he realized it was not a robin, but a girl, in a bright red cloak. She was carrying a basket full food, and from the scent coming off of it he assumed it was bread. Disgusting he thought how can humans stomach that vile slop? Shrugging he continued to follow the girl for he was hungry, but did not want to draw unneeded attention to himself by killing a girl were it wont look like an accident.
After what seemed like forever the wolf realized the girl was not planning on leaving the path, so he began to formulate a plan to get the girl into the forest. Grinning at his own deviousness he bolted back to were he had left the robe, and put it on being careful to cover his face with the hood. He ran through the forest and thanks to the smell of the bread found the girl in no time. Straightening his robe, and being careful to adjust his hood he called to the girl. "Oh little girl," he cooed, "Were are you heading?"
Startled she jumped and peered into the forest, after about a minute of searching the wolf became exaggerated, and decided to risk stepping into the open.
"Little girl were are you heading?" he repeated.
"Oh I didn't see you their!" she exclaimed, "I'm going to Grandma's."
"Well isn't that nice, why don't you pick her some flowers?" he asked gesturing to a sad lot of lilies on the edge of the path.
"That's a great idea." she said, and began to pick the lilies.
"But surly your grandmother deserves better than those lilies. Perhaps this would be more adequate?" from the folds of his robe he pulled a single white rose.
Gasping, and nearly dropping her basket she asked, "Can I have it?"
"Oh no, my silly little child this is my rose, but I can show were to find a bounty of roses, in many different colors"
The wolf of course was lying but the gullible little girl was fooled, and allowed him to lead her into the forest. When he thought she was far enough from the road, he expertly slipped from his robe and bolted in the direction of the road. He silently chuckled to himself, he knew were the girl was heading the road comes to a fork about halfway from the city. Go down the right pathway, and end up in the city, the left must lead to the grandmother's then. When he arrived at the door, a new plan fully formed in his head, he saw the grandmother tending to her garden. He inched up behind her, and crushed her windpipe with his claw. Once he had killed the grandmother, he walked into the kitchen and found exactly what he needed. A long kitchen knife lay next to a recently plucked chicken, devouring the chicken he began to sharpen the knife. When he was satisfied with the blade he went out into the garden and began to skin the grandmother, when he finished he would have a nice grandmother suit.
When the girl arrived in the cabin the wolf was already snug in his disguise, and stomached aching for another meal. "Come in," said the wolf opening the door the girl peered into the room and spied a nearby stool. When she was settled the wolf asked her if she was thirsty. He brought out a pitcher of wine, and poured her a glass.
"Don't worry dear I watered it down for you." Again the wolf was lying, and again the girl was fooled. When she had drained the goblet the wolf motioned to a bed nearby for her to sleep in. the wolf no longer worried about keeping to the shadows for the girl was clearly drunk. He led her to the bed and she was soon dozing peacefully. Unfortunately for the girl nothing would ever wake her from that sleep.


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