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    Nate Leentjes @14etan

    Age 31, Male

    Joined on 6/11/08

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    time for a new post

    Posted by 14etan - June 24th, 2009

    i will start off by making a short review off a lesser known game, then talk of some collabs, and finally rant.
    The game i am reviewing is shadow of the colossus for the ps2. the opening scene to say the least is very impressive especialy by ps2 standards you enter a large gothic cathedral with your horse and a whit bundle. inside you reach and alter and place the bundle upon it. when the cloth is taken away a girl is lying their. after dispatching a few enemies a voice calls down and asks you were you got that sword. you make a deal he will restore her soul if you first defeat the sixteen colossus. you ride off the fight the first beast, and are graced with a tutorial. when the cutscene showing the beast starts you can only gape at it. taking down your first was epic 15 more to go. while this is the entire game each colossus is like a mini puzzle level. you must find and exploit its weaknesses to defeat. this is easier said than done as the beast try to shake you off then attack you. the gameplay is solid although the journey between battles is a little long you wont mind it to much though since the scenery is nice and has quite the variety. your fight take place in lake the middle of the desert even in the sky. enough about the game play unto the story. while the main character pulls a link on us and the story doesn't start to develop till later the opening scene keeps you questioning what will happen? as the story unfolds two huge plot twists just make the story freakin epic i dont want to ruin how the game ends. if you like puzzles platformers or action games i suggest checking this one out the story alone is worth playing through the game. once you beat the game you unlock hard mode, andt time attack normal. playing hardmode changes the game alot you can die in a few hits, the colossus are extremely resilient, and some have increased weak points making you traverse from their back to shoulder to stomach. once hardmode is beaten time attack hard is unlocked. after every two battes in time attack mode you unlock new items and weapons. i cannot lie although the game is great and can give you hours of fun their are frustration like finding out you went the wrong way and somtimes the horse will give you pains, and if you grab wrong on a colossus you flop around uselessly till your thrown off, but these are no more than minor ticks in this great game. definately check this game out 8.5/10

    unto the collabs castle collab here element collab here

    im to lazy to rant right now come again later


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