mmmmm well were to start i write music not the greatest but o.k. barely play the guitar spend most my time drawing and gaming im the guy who thinks which way is up if the world is round and in space their is no graity and since we take our sense of up and down from which direction we are pulled by gravity? for those of u who have no idea what im talking about read somthing may i suggest enders game, shadow of ender or better yet read them both at the same time i also think that too many people are infuenced by the current culture which if you have not looked around is pretty messed up not to mention the majority of friendships these days have to do with mainly how much they make you laugh, i have heard only a handful of talks about somthing important the world we live in for example not soo much polotics as what causes politics you hear what im saying so bush said this obama said that what do u say what do u think i dont care if Spears shaved her head again ok why did you shave ur head is what i want to know i also think their is no such thing as idiocy simply the unwillingness to learn, laziness and superficialness and i also think how the heck did Mcdonalds manage to put so much fat into 1 sandwhich THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW
Favorite quote "like each note in a composition no one person is more important another its that each note is secure in what it does and its role for the greater picture people must strive to reach their potential"